Tempe AZ Annuities, IRA & 401k Rollover, 403b, Income & Index & Retirement

When it comes to annuities in Tempe, choosing a financial advisor who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in the various types of annuities is critical for those seeking a solid financial future upon retirement. You may have heard the term “retirement annuity,” or index annuity, income annuity, or any of the other dozens of terms used to describe these products, which many feel are becoming more complex all the time. Many investors want to know more about annuities, but find confusing information on the internet. They prefer the income safety and security, but are hearing many conflicting things. Understandably, many who are approaching retirement would prefer to rely on a wealth management specialist to help advise them in these important financial decisions.

What is an annuity? Many annuity agents don’t even like to use the word, however these products are simply contracts sold by insurance companies or a Certified Financial Planner® which are designed to provide sustainable retirement income. Many agents and traditional advisors have very little background in annuities and therefor can only offer basic information. That’s where we can help.

The primary reason many clients invest in annuities is that they prefer not to have to worry about outliving their income. One of the biggest fears most people have is running out of money as they grow older. This is where a retirement annuity makes perfect sense, and can be a wise investment alternative, because the income is insured by a legal reserve insurance company, often with more than a hundred year track record.

There are more than two thousand annuities to choose from which can make the challenge of finding the right retirement annuity daunting. Choosing the right advisor may be the most important first step. Most financial advisors are woefully under-informed on all four kinds of annuities: immediate, variable, fixed, fixed index. Typically, a large brokerage house will offer only two or three annuities from the two thousand available. Their bias is determined by their boss—the broker dealer—and typically will be a variable annuity, which can be very expensive and risky. Unfortunately, they may not understand fixed index annuities, which have evolved into a very viable retirement annuity choice. They are more secure, have fewer moving parts, and cost less. These annuities are referred to as new generation annuities and hybrid annuities and can also have benefits like long term care riders and inflation protection.

Caution: For many financial advisors, annuities are merely a sideline. You will never get all the information you likely need to make a proper decision.

These under-informed brokers may be very skilled in mutual funds, stocks, and bonds, and you may have great faith in their abilities on Wall Street, but they likely have little or no background in annuities. They cannot properly advise on things they don’t truly understand. At IQ Wealth, you can receive balanced, proper, and fully researched information. Your financial advisor can explain all of the details and advise you regarding annuity rates, 401k and IRA rollovers, and which products have the best annuity rates, and more.

Many people prefer to work with one of the top advisors in the state, Steve Jurich, who is the best-selling author of Smart Is The New Rich and host of Mastering Money on Money Radio as well as KKNT AM 960 in Phoenix.

At IQ Wealth Management, we understand that clients must have unrelenting trust in the annuity advisor they choose, and that the products those advisors recommend will work as described, protecting your financial future after retirement. Your retirement income may need to last twenty five, thirty or forty years once you quit working. All of us want the comfort and assurance of knowing that during our golden years and even beyond, we can rely on a specific amount of income not only for household budget purposes, but for living and enjoying life as well. Contact us today for answers to all of your questions about annuities, and the best products for your unique needs. We know that your current advisor may mean well, but has not put in the twenty plus years of research into annuities that we have. You want the best annuity rates and the best annuity companies. We can help. We are conveniently located near the 101 and Via De Ventura exit in Scottsdale near Gainey Ranch. The fifteen minute drive can be well worth your time.