Scottsdale Wealth Management & Retirement Annuities

Investing in annuities in Scottsdale, Cave Creek, or Carefree is one of the best options when trying to ensure a solid financial future upon your retirement, however the subject of annuities can be confusing for many. Is a 410k rollover or IRA rollover into an annuity a smart decision? At Esure Annuity, you can rely on a highly experienced financial advisor to help you make the best possible decision for your unique needs.

What is an annuity? In its most simple terms, an annuity is a retirement strategy involving an insurance product that provides income in an individual’s retirement years. Many people refer to this type of investment as a retirement annuity; annuities are one of the most solid investments those who are approaching retirement can make in order to enjoy financial security and a steady stream of income as they reach their golden years, a time when you want to avoid financial problems and enjoy life to the fullest.

When in search of a Certified Financial Planner you can trust to make the most of your investment, many search for the best annuity rates available. You want an annuity agent or advisor who will take a personal interest in your needs, and provide you with sound advice and guidance. We understand that the differences between an income annuity, retirement annuity, immediate annuity, and index annuity can be confusing, and that you desire expert guidance so that you can rest assured you have invested wisely in your future.

At Esure Annuity, we understand your concerns. Whether you are considering a 401k or IRA rollover, or need information regarding the differences in the various types of annuities, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you have made the best decision by working with a Certified Financial Planner who has your best interests at heart.